An introduction to Reflective Practice (3 part series): Tuesday, 20th September at 1pm.

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An introduction to Reflective Practice 

September 20th @ 1.00pm, September 27th @1.00pm & October 4th @1.00pm

Booking details at bottom of page

Sometimes giving time to reflect on our practice is difficult and there can be a variety of constraints preventing us. Maybe its due to feeling we don’t have the time; we are already managing a heavy workload, there is a lack of support for reflection where we work, or having vacancies within the team. When we are under these pressures; the reverse is warranted, we need to carve out some time to reflect, as the probability increases of making a rash or poor decision when we are stressed. Having the time and space to reflect on our practice can alleviate some of these pressures. The aim of these eLearning modules is to assist Health and Social Care Professionals (HSCP) access the supports, knowledge and tools to utilise reflection within their practice.
This is an interdisciplinary workshop. The Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine would like to invite any HSCP that is interested in Reflective Practice to join us. These modules cater to both the novice practitioner and to the more experienced. Once you register for a webinar by booking a ticket the Reflective Practice modules will be livestreamed from HSEland through our Zoom platform. It is merely a way of facilitating HSCP’s some time to sit down to work through the content. We all have the best will in the world to listen to webinars and learning materials after work or in our own time, but it often doesn’t happen. So, what we are planning to do is play the modules via Zoom for one hour per week for three weeks. We hope that you can carve out the time and listen in. There will be time for Q&A at the end of each session with the CPD Officers.

Part 1 of the module; An introduction to Reflective Practice is approximately 75 mins long, this will be broken down into two separate webinars of 40 mins (week 1) and 35 mins (week 2). Part 2 of the module: Ideally aimed at HSCP’s with experience of Reflective Practice will last approximately 50 mins (week 3)

Week 1: Tuesday, 20th September at 1.00pm we will start the first part of the first module An introduction to Reflective Practice (approximately 40 minutes) with 15 minutes for questions and answers.

Week 2: Tuesday, 27th September at 1.00pm we will finish the first module An introduction to Reflective Practice (approximately 35 minutes) with 15 minutes for questions and answers.

Week 3: 4th October at 1.00pm we will play the second module HSCP with experience of Reflective Practice (approximately 50 minutes) with 10 minutes for questions and answers.

NOTE: To access these modules and complete them in your own time you can do so by:
1) Login to
2) In the search toolbar, enter Reflective Practice and select search
3) Select the Reflective Practice link from the results and enroll/launch on the Introduction to Reflective Practice link.
*Module 1 an Introduction to Reflective Practice must be completed prior to commencing the second module HSCP with Experience of Reflective Practice.

How to book your place

Academy members book through the “Members Area” on

Non-Members book a place by creating a Non-Member account, click HERE

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Start Date - End Date

Oct 04, 2022 - Oct 04, 2022

Start Time - End Time

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm



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