SNOMED CT Foundation Course (Online) & Webinar Series 2021


SNOMED CT is an international clinical terminology coding system used in Electronic Health Records to facilitate accurate recording and sharing of clinical and related health information with semantic interoperability. It was recommended by HIQA Report in 2014 that SNOMED CT be used in all future Electronic Health Records in Ireland, was endorsed by DOH in 2017, and the HSE established the Irish National Release Centre for SNOMED CT in 2019. Clinical Leadership is required for implementation of key technology enabled solutions for maintaining the COVID-19 response and facilitating a return to business in an integrated care environment. Where appropriate, solutions must have clear clinical leadership for the duration of the initiative from inception through to deployment and benefits realisation.


As part of the Irelands SNOMED CT Strategy 2020-2023, one of our aims is to Build Experts in SNOMED CT. Clinical education on SNOMED CT will ensure clinical engagement required for successful implementation of Electronic Health Records in the Health Service. At the moment there is a SNOMED CT course called SNOMED CT Foundation Course on HSeLAND and also accessible directly through SNOMED International website, Home ( . This is a free online course as Ireland is a member country of SNOMED International.

The SNOMED CT Foundation Course is an online course provided by SNOMED International Academy. This course provides an introduction to a broad range of SNOMED CT related topics, including the why, what and how of SNOMED CT.

The course consists of three modules, each containing six online presentations and one online assessment. At the end of the course, there is an additional final online assessment. The course takes around thirty hours of study and should be completed within four months.


  1. Introduction to SNOMED CT
  2. Learning About SNOMED CT
  3. SNOMED CT Benefits for Organizations
  4. Why Clinical Terminology Matters
  5. Introduction to SNOMED International
  6. Exploring Content (includes 5 videos)


  1. Introduction to Content Components
  2. SNOMED CT Licensing
  3. Release Files and Formats
  4. Concept Model Introduction
  5. Content Development Introduction
  6. Introduction to Extensions


  1. Reference Sets Introduction
  2. Customizing SNOMED CT
  3. Translation and Language Preferences
  4. Mapping Introduction
  5. Introduction to Expressions
  6. Introduction to Implementation

The SNOMED CT Foundation Course is a prerequisite for the more advanced SNOMED CT courses.

For more information on SNOMED CT, see the E-Health Irelands website:

SNOMED CT – eHealth Ireland

For more info contact: SNOMED Irish National Release Centre, or


SNOMED Webinar Series

Dear Colleagues,

Please see attached the flyer for on an upcoming Webinar Series, (Friday 12th of November 2021 from 12 to 1pm), on SNOMED in the Healthcare Setting, titled: ‘Back to basics, how to engage with SNOMED education and training’.

The Irish National Release Centre for SNOMED CT in the HSE, are aiming to create more awareness of SNOMED Clinical Terminology, use in Irish Electronic Health systems to Clinicians. SNOMED is driven by HSE and the DOH. Recommended by HIQA in 2014 & recent October 2021 reports, to have a modern interoperability standards by using a systematized Nomenclature of Medical clinical terms; SNOMED CT.

This Webinar may be of interest to some Clinicians, (Nursing/HSCP/Physicians), working in, developing or interested in digital health. This webinar will be available to watch after 12th November on the Webinars section of SNOMED CT webpage on eHealth Irelands website also for anyone that misses it. SNOMED CT – eHealth Ireland


Please find the link to join the Webinar here: