Dear Colleagues

Further to our notification email last week, we are pleased to share with you the link to next week’s webinar – “Making Difficult Conversations Easier”. This webinar will take place on Wednesday 13th October at 11.00am (event details below).

As per our last email, we are very mindful of the pressures that services are currently working under. We will be recording this webinar and making it available on the HSE Open Disclosure website for those of you who may not be in a position to attend.


We are delighted to welcome back our guest presenter for this webinar – Professor Eva Doherty, Director of Human Factors in Patient Safety, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Should you have any questions / concerns that you would like addressed during the webinar, please email in advance of the webinar and we will endeavour to address them during the webinar.


  • To describe the key skills of effective communication in healthcare
  • To identify the particular communication skills essential to use with emphasis in difficult conversations
  • To appreciate emotions and their meaning
  • To recognise the importance of the use of empathy skills in difficult conversations

We are welcoming all  staff to attend this webinar. Please circulate to everyone in your organisation who may be interested in attending.


 NOTE Registration is NOT required for this webinar

Date and Time:                 Wednesday 13th October 2021, 11am – 12.30pm

Link to Webinar: 

Event Number:                 2731 793 3551

Event Password:              NODO

 When you join the webinar you can listen to the webinar over the computer but sound quality may be better over the phone should you wish to dial in:

Telephone details:         01 526 0058, when prompted enter the following access code: 2731 793 3551

Please see attached practical guidance on how to access the webinar (using the link OR via the internet without the link): Click Here

Thanks to you all for your support for open disclosure and we look forward to engaging through this webinar. If you do not wish to receive communications from our office please let us now by contacting

Kind Regards
The National Open Disclosure Team

National Open Disclosure Office | National Office of Quality & Patient Safety

 Donegal Town Community Hospital | Donegal Town | Co Donegal | F94 V670 


Landline:        +353 (0)87 100 4242



Please visit for training –

Module 1 “Communicating Effectively through Open Disclosure” and Module 2 “Open Disclosure: Applying Principles to Practice”


Care | Compassion | Trust | Learning