The Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine and the Haematology Advisory Body are proud to present

The Clot Thickens; cancer-coagulation crosstalk contributes to metastasis.

Presented by Dr Jamie O’Sullivan


Dr. Jamie O’Sullivan is a principal investigator and research lecturer at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. Jamie obtained her BSc in Biomedical Sciences from University College Cork/Cork Institute of Technology in 2011 and subsequently completed her PhD in Haematology from Trinity College Dublin in 2015 after receiving prestigious scholarship funding from the Irish Research Council. Jamie joined RCSI in 2017 as a senior post-doctoral researcher within the newly established Irish Centre of Vascular Biology where she led an investigation into the plasma clearance pathways of coagulation protein von Willebrand Factor. As a result of this work, Jamie was the recipient of the international Martin Villar Haemostasis Award. Jamie was appointed as a lecturer in vascular biology to the StAR programme in RCSI in September 2018 where she leads a growing research group investigating the bidirectional crosstalk between coagulation. Her current research interests include novel biology roles for endothelial von Willebrand Factor in various diseased states including cancer and inflammatory processes such as COVID-19 coagulopathy.


  • Significant interplay exists between blood coagulation and cancer which is of direct clinical significance. Malignancy triggers a thrombotic state in cancer patients which constitutes major cause of  death.
  • The mechanisms underpinning cancer associated thrombosis is not fully understood but is multifactorial with an important role for tumour-endothelium interplay.
  • Elevated levels of prothrombotic Von Willebrand Factor (VWF), secreted from the endothelium, have been reported in cancer cohorts and these levels correlate with presence of metastatic disease and poorer survival.
  • Accumulating evidence suggests that VWF may not only increase the risk of cancer-associated thrombosis but also contribute directly to cancer metastasis, including tethering circulating tumour cells to the vessel wall to facilitate dissemination.


The Academy on behalf of the Haematology Advisory Body presents this webinar on Tuesday, 21st  September at 1pm. Booking is essential and is in the usual manner:  |  Members CPD Area  |  Login  |  Click Events tab and scroll to the event and book.
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