Haematology Association of Ireland (HAI): Abstract Submission Guidelines
Submission deadline: Extended until Monday 16 August 2021
Abstract submission to HAI implies that ALL authors have read and reviewed the submission. All authors must be afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the submitted abstract in advance of the deadline. Abstracts may be withdrawn but not altered after the deadline.
Important: When submitting your abstract, please ensure to only include contact details for presenting author.
Whilst reports of individuals cases (case reports) with unique scientific or educational value will be considered, they must enhance clinical practice or diagnostic understanding to be accepted. In the interest of maintaining high scientific standards only those abstracts passing peer review will be accepted.
Abstract should be submitted with font size of the text not smaller than 11. The initials and surname of the authors without titles or degrees should appear below the title. The departments, institutions and cities should be listed next.
The abstract should include the following elements:
1) Title: (in block capitals)
2) Introduction/Background: a brief discussion of the background or rationale of the study and/or questions addressed
3) Materials and methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods used in the study
4) Results: the data and results obtained in the study
5) Conclusions: the conclusions and/or implications of the results
The main body of the abstract must not exceed 500 words (this does not include abstract title, authors or references) and should be single line spacing. No tables/graphs permitted. When using abbreviation, spell out the full name when first cited. References may be included in the Vancouver style as shown:
Wharton N. Health and safety in outdoor activity centres. J Adventure Ed Lead. 1996;12:(4)8-9.
You will receive confirmation of your abstract submission from the online submission system. If you do not receive this confirmation, your abstract has not been submitted correctly. Any issues, please contact Sinead on: sinead@sineadcassidy.com