ACSLM – Pat Mulhare, Laboratory Manager in UHW talks to Matt Cooper on Today FM about Covid-19 Testing in Irish laboratories. #medicalscientists doing their bit! If you missed it live, find it HERE or listen directly to the podcast HERE

The Laboratory Diagnosis of COVID-19 Infection: Current Issues and Challenges. Journal Clinical Microbiology April 2020. Click Here

Short report: Cytology in the time of coronavirus disease (covid-19): an Italian perspective 20 April, 2020. Click Here

NEW LYSIS BUFFER – RT-PCR diagnostic testing of C-19. A collective effort has formulated a New Lysis Buffer for RT-PCR diagnostic testing of Covid-19. This will be of great help to laboratories suffering shortages of renowned “LYSIS” reagent.  Click Here

Free training support for returning scientists. 22 April 2020. Free COVID-19 return to practice course now available through Staffordshire University. Click Here

CLSI-documents-helpful-for-covid-19-testing_4220 (002). This list of documents have been identified as helpful for the laboratory community’s use during the current pandemic. Click the document to view sample pages and learn more. Click Here

LIFE RIVER SARS-CoV-2 EXTRACTION AND RT-PCR: Evaluation of this system by the National Virus Reference Laboratory. Click Here

Validation of a Lysis Buffer Containing 4 M Guanidinium Thiocyanate (GITC)/ Triton X-100 for Extraction of SARS-CoV-2 RNA for COVID-19 Testing: Comparison of Formulated Lysis Buffers Containing 4 to 6 M GITC, Roche External Lysis Buffer and Qiagen RTL Lysis Buffer. Click Here

Use of PPE to support Infection Prevention and Control Practice when performing aerosol generating procedures on CONFIRMED or CLINICALLY SUSPECTED COVID-19 CASES in a PANDEMIC SITUATION. Guidance on COVID-19 v2.0, 23.03.2020.  Click Here

Biosafety guidance for diagnostic laboratories handling specimens from individuals with possible, probable or confirmed infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), Middle East respiratory syndrome Coronavirus or Avian Influenza A. V3.0 14.02.2020. Click Here

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans. Click Here

Prioritisation/deferral of Pathology Laboratory Work in light of SARS CoV 2 ( epidemic Version 1.1). Click Here

Read the article on the current global COVID-19 viral outbreak by Prof. Giuseppe Lippi and Prof. Ana-Maria Simundic from the new issue of EuroLabNews. Attend the free course for lab professionals on COVID-19.  Article:   Course: