Useful Websites (HSE, HPSC, etc.)

The HSE has released COVID-19 Venous thromboembolism (VTE) protocol and patient information:Interim Clinical Guidance – VTE protocol and patient information for acute hospitals (CD-120 V1 / 21.04.20). Click Here for the HSE webpage.
Further information about preventing VTE is available from  Queries about patient alert cards and information may be addressed to­

Coronavirus information for staff including. Recommendations on Telehealth Solutions  Click Here

ACSLM President Brigid Lucey & CPD Officer Jemma Kehoe - click on links


Video Link
A special message from the Academy President, Dr Brigid Lucey, in recognition of your efforts
Video Link
Jemma Kehoe with a message on behalf of the Academy of Clinical Science and Laboratory Medicine CPD Officers
RTE's Brainstorm - Link
ACSLM President, Dr. Brigid Lucey on "What happens to my coronavirus sample in the testing lab?"

HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE Information & Guidelines + Other Items

CORONAVIRUS DISEASE Covid-19 Updates (Regular  Information updates by the HSE)hscp Guidance - Updates Guidance for healthcare professionals on COVID-19 From the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (hpsc)
Latest HSE hscp Covid-19 Information & AdviceLatest updates on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) from
CORONAVIRUS COVID-19 (Coronavirus): Health advice for parents and childrenTalking to Children About COVID-19 (Coronavirus): A Parent Resource
Covid-19: Effect on Children in Lockdown
Tanya Ward, Chief Exec, Children’s Rights Alliance; Roisin McDaid, Project Leader, Barnardos South Cork City Family Support Project; & Caroline O’Sullivan, Director of Services ISPCC


Video resources for COVID-19.
Contains: GP Primary Care Setting video resources, Non-clinical staff video resources, Acute health setting video resources


The ISTH Academy is the online education arm of the ISTH, providing members with premier and complete access to hundreds of educational resources including webinars, courses and recorded webcasts from all of our meetings and congresses. All resources are tagged with keywords, so search for your specialty or topic of choice and get started today.


Thrombosis, Thromboprophylaxis & Coagulopathy in COVID- 19 Infections
Professor Marcel Levi, University College Hospital
Prof. Levi will be discussing “Coagulopathy in COVID-19 Infections” during the webinar.
Professor Beverley Jane Hunt, King’s College London
Prof. Hunt will be discussing “Thrombosis and Anticoagulant Management in COVID-19 Infections”

CORONAVIRUS: COVID-19 RESOURCES HUB. (Royal College of Pathologists).
Click Here


ESCMID Webinar on COVID-19

Open -access to an online webinar;  COVID-19: An unexpected pandemic challenge to unprepared health care systems. Click here to login, it’s free and Open-Access.

Getting through COVID-19 Together

New website launched relating to the stresses & strains of dealing with C-19 in our daily lives.


COVID-19 Data Center – Track global cases and trends. Updated daily.


Coronavirus – COVID-19.  Ireland is operating a delay strategy in line with WHO and ECDC advice. Public Information Booklet. Read/download booklet 

Health & Social Care Professions Office Office is pleased to advise that a HSCP repository is now available in the HSCP Hub on HSELanD (in context of Covid-19 Pandemic). Click here to gain access ( for new accounts also).