On Friday 26th February the first joint CPD event for Medical Scientists, Clinical Biochemists, Biomedical Engineers, Audiologists, Orthoptists, Phlebotomists and Play Therapists took place in the Education Centre in Harold’s Cross. Thank you to all of our speakers who guided us through activities and topics that could be investigated in order to gain quality CPD points.

Thank you to our Chair Emer Halpenny for excellent time management.

Video reminding us to take notice when reflecting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak1ugStioWE

The feedback on suggested topics and workshops for individual professional practice and joint CPD events are being collated and will form the basis for events during this year.

You will be notified of the date, venue and times for the proposed CPD clinics which will be hosted by Monica Fitzpatrick, your CPD Officer.

Should you be interested in Practical Personal Productivity please contact Marieanne O’Driscoll, e-Bridge Training Cork: www.e-bridge.ie or email info@e-bridge.ie

Monica Fitzpatrick: CPD Quality of Learning Not Just Points
Pauric Reilly: From Competency to Personal Development Planning
Marie Culliton: CORU Registration
Helen Lambkin: Research in your Department
Gordon Cooke: Reflective Learning
Jenny Bulbulia: Resilience