WHO GCM/NCD Newsletter
Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of NCDs preliminary evaluation report
As part of the GCM/NCD’s terms of reference, an evaluation was performed to assess its activities related to supporting the implementation of the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs 2013-2020.
The aim of the evaluation was to assess the GCM/NCD’s activities and assess the results and outcomes that have been achieved between 2014 and 2017. The results of the evaluation will be submitted to the seventy-first Health Assembly, through the Executive Board at its 142nd session.
NCD News
WHO Civil Society Working Group on the third High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on NCDs
The WHO Civil Society Working Group on the third High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on NCDs. The Working Group’s aim is to advise the Director-General on bold and practical recommendations on mobilizing civil society in a meaningful manner to advocate for a highly successful high-level meeting, one which proves to be a tipping point for the NCD and mental health response. The Working Group will be co-chaired by Katie Dain, CEO, NCD Alliance (NGO), and Dr Svetlana Axelrod, Assistant Director-General for NCDs and Mental Health, WHO. The Secretariat of the Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (WHO GCM/NCD) will act as the secretariat for the WHO Civil Society Working Group.
Members of the WHO Civil Society Working Group play a critical role in ensuring the reputation of the WHO as the leading global health agency. WHO Working Groups have no executive, regulatory or normative functions. They are established solely to provide advice and recommendations to the Director-General of WHO.
The final appointment of Members will follow in February 2018 once a public notification process for proposed WHO Civil Society Working Group Members is completed.
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WHO Global Dialogue on Partnerships for Sustainable Financing of Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) Prevention and Control
In preparation for the third High-level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on NCDs in 2018 (UN HLM3), the World Health Organization and the Government of Denmark will convene a Global Dialogue in Copenhagen, Denmark 9-11 April 2018 to include WHO Member States, development agencies, UN system organizations, and non-State actors to explore new ways to address the critical gap in financing for national NCD responses. The Conference will be supported by the World Diabetes Foundation, World Economic Forum, NCD Alliance, IFPMA and other non-State partners.
The Global Dialogue’s mandate derives from the WHO Global Coordination Mechanism’s work plan (2018-2019). The goal of the Global Dialogue is to share information on existing and potential sources of finance and development cooperation at the local, national, regional and global levels, and explore new opportunities for multistakeholder and multisectoral partnerships in order to catalyse action for effective national NCD responses.
The Global Dialogue will draw up to 300 participants and include representatives of Member States, bilateral and multilateral development agencies, UN organizations, programmes and funds, and relevant non-State actors (NGOs, academic institutions, philanthropic foundations and private sector entities). It will be by invitation only. Participant invitations will be guided by the WHO Framework for Engagement of Non-State Actors (WHA 69/10, 2016).
Global Action Plan for prevention and control of NCD’s 2013-2020