The HSCPdeliver online workshop is now open! Please visit to register to take part.

We launched the online workshop at the first physical workshop in Cork yesterday. The workshop was very well attended and there was a lot of positive feedback from HSCP and service users present about the day and in particular how good it was to have some of our service users included. There was a lot of good discussion and plenty of ideas generated.

There are still places left for the workshops in Galway, Sligo, Dublin and Tullamore if you would like to attend – please visit the HSCP hub on go to hubs, then HSCP hub, then the events tab and on the dropdown find strategy workshop. I would also ask for those signed up already that, if you haven’t yet, you might come back to us in relation to service users you have invited. As noted above, the feedback was strong that the format worked really well and it was a huge benefit to have service users as part of the process.
I invite you to sign up to take part in this exciting conversation and to encourage other HSCP to get involved

I have attached a few slides with some information about the platform and a few top tips to ensure a successful log in.

Jackie Reed |National Lead|National Health & Social Care Professions Office.

HSCP Online Workshop