TMER Overseas Training Project 2024

Tsukuba Medical Laboratory of Education and Research (TMER) in cooperation with the International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS) is pleased to announce their support of an Overseas Trainee Project in 2024.
TMER and IFBLS will select one international Biomedical Laboratory Scientist (BLS) as a trainee for education in Hematology.
Date: December 2nd-7th, 2024 (for 6 days of training) – the trainee should arrive December 1st and depart December 8th (8 days total)
Course: Lectures and practical training in Hematology
Place: Tsukuba Medical Laboratory of Education and Research NPO and Tsukuba University Hospital, Japan
Support: Airfare and partial living expenses up to 150,000 JPY (paid on the first day of training).
- Practical training included.
- TMER will organize the hotel arrangements for the training period.
- Welcome dinner and farewell dinner will also be included.
Requirement: A written report must be submitted to TMER after the training.
Criteria: Applicants must be an active BLS, and have support in writing from both their employment supervisor, and their National Association, who is a member in good standing with IFBLS. The successful applicant will be given a letter of invitation and a certificate of completion from TMER and IFBLS.
Judging: The IFBLS Awards Committee and TMER Board members will review the applications. Judgment points will include:
1. Current CV attached to the online application.
2. The winner is expected to outline a Monitoring Plan to share the training knowledge and experience to members in their country.
3. Recommendation letters from their employment supervisor, and their National Association President are required.
More information from IFBLS:
The online application is available at:
Deadline to submit an application is Tuesday, 20th August 2024.
The successful applicant will be notified early-September 2024.