May 17th, 1 – 2pm. Zoom

Breast Histodissection Presentation

May 17th, 1 – 2pm. Zoom

This one our lunch time presentation will include an overview  of breast cancer pathology, experience of a past student of the breast histodissetion course ran by TUDublin and details of the course content and  how to book this course.


Dr Bill Bennett, Consultant Breast Histopathologist, Cork University Hospital, Cork

Marianne Doyle, Specialist Medical Scientist, Histology Laboratory, University Hospital Waterford
Breast histodissection from a Medical Scientist perspective.
Bio: Marianne graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 2001 with a degree in Natural Sciences and started working as a medical scientist in histology in University Hospital Waterford in 2003. She completed her MSc in Molecular Pathology  in 2007 and continued working in histology in UHW as a senior medical scientist and now as a specialist medical scientist.  Marianne started her breast histodissection  practice in 2019 and completed the TU Dublin breast histodissection course in 2020. Since then she has also completed the Gynaecology oncology histodissection course and the dermatology histodissection course.

Alison Malkin, Lecturer in Clinical Cytology and Cellular Pathology
School of Biological, Health and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Health
TU Dublin – City Campus, Central Quad, Grangegorman, Dublin, D07 ADY7

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