‘Health and Social Care Professionals – Working in Partnership’

We are delighted to announce the theme for this year’s HSCP Day: ‘Health and Social Care Professionals – Working in Partnership’.  HSCP work in partnership on a daily basis and on HSCP Day we would like to highlight the value that working together brings to the delivery of high quality, integrated care.

Working in partnership is one of the key HSCP commitments in our strategy “HSCP Deliver, A Strategic Guidance Framework for Health & Social Care Professions 2021 – 2026”.

Please check in here and on the HSCP Hub for further updates.  If you would like to share your plans with the office, please email: hscp.nationaloffice@hse.ie

@WeHSCPs #HSCPDay2024 #HSCPDeliver #Integrated Care

HSCP Day 2024 web resources

“I wish to highlight and promote the partnerships the National HSCP Office have with our professional bodies and HEIs, working together to deliver on providing professional development opportunities to HSCP.” says Fiona Melia, National HSCP Development Mrgr.