Epidemiological typing of MRSA recovered in Ireland
Thursday, 31st August 2023, 1pm. Zoom
Presented by Dr. Gráinne Brennan
Chief Medical Scientist, National MRSA Reference Laboratory, St. James’s Hospital
Dr. Gráinne Brennan is the Chief Medical Scientist in the National MRSA Reference Laboratory and has completed her PhD in Trinity College Dublin where her work involved the characterisation of CA-MRSA lineages in Ireland and the investigation of resistance determinants in these strains.
In recent years a steady decline of MRSA has been reported in Irish hospital, however with this, a change in the strains circulating in Irish healthcare settings and the community has also been observed. This presentation examines the epidemiology of MRSA in Ireland highlighting the temporal trends and distribution of lineages in the last five years. A number of recent research studies involving the MRSARL investigating the emergence of certain clones in Ireland and in particular, a number of community associated MRSA lineages which have caused outbreaks in Irish hospitals will also be discussed.
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