Research Studies Involving Human Participants – What should a participant be informed of before consenting?
Day/Date/Time: Thursday, 15 June, 12:00 – 13:30
Location: Zoom
Capacity: 40 people
Facilitator: Dr Seán Lacey, SLÁINTE Research Group, Munster Technological University
Outline: Informing participants of the appropriate information prior to consenting to participate in a research study is a core principle of ethical and good research practice. As researchers, it is vital to fully understand the components to not only research ethics application forms but also the level of detail required in information leaflets and associated forms that participants base their consent on. Use of information gathered beyond what was consented to is potentially a case of research misconduct.
This seminar will provide an exploration of information leaflets and consent forms including matters ranging from, but not limited to, anonymisation, risk, debriefing, right to withdraw, dissemination and data management.
During the seminar, Seán will be joined by a medical scientist that has gone through the process of applying for ethical approval for a research study involving human participants, who will speak to their experiences of the process.
The seminar should be of interest to members carrying out research studies involving human participants including, but not limited to:
- Data collection using research methods such as questionnaires, web surveys, interviews, observations, focus groups, etc.
- Access to, or utilisation of, anonymised datasets or case files/records concerning identifiable individuals.
Conducting internet mediated research